
3D CAD Matrix

3D CAD Matrix


The premier package for CAD professionals

Maximize your design productivity

Get started in 3D CAD design
Ease of Use
Learn Fast: In-Context and Toolbar Menus, Command Search, Built-In Tutorials, Searchable Help Documentation
Work Fast: Hot Keys, Customizable Commands, APIs
Get Help Fast: Local and Worldwide Support Services
Part and Assembly Modeling
3D Solid Modeling
Conceptual Design
Assembly Structure Planning: SOLIDWORKS Treehouse
Direct Model Geometry Modification
Large Assembly Design
Advanced Surface Design
Sheet Metal Design
Plastic Part Design
Mold Design
2D Drawings
Automatic Drawing View Creation
Automatic Drawing View Updates
Drafting Standards: ANSI, ISO, DIN, JIS, BSI, GOST, GB
Manual and Automated Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Annotations and Symbols
Automatic Bill of Materials (BOM), Exploded Views, Balloon Notes
Hole Tables, Weld Tables, Pipe Bend Tables, Cut Lists
Sheet Metal Bend Notes
Automated Creation of Radial/Cylindrical Exploded Views
Design Reuse and Automation
Find Your Data (SOLIDWORKS Search)
Design Automation (DriveWorksXpress)
Part and Assembly Configurations
Reuse 2D and 3D CAD Data
3D CAD Models from Suppliers (3DContentCentral.com)
Animation and Visualization
Move Assembly by Dragging Components
Move Assembly with Motors
CAD Videos
Basic CAD Rendering (RealView)
3D Walk Through/Fly Through
Interference Check
Collision and Interference Detection
Hole Alignment and Thread Checks
Collaborate and Share CAD Data
Read Printed Circuit Board Data as 3D Parts (IFC)
Import/Export Over 30 CAD Formats
Print directly to 3D printers: AMF and 3MF formats
MCAD to AEC: Prepare and export to AEC applications
3D Models for CAD/CAM Integration with CAM Partners
View eDrawings® Files
3D Dimensioning and Tolerancing (Model Based Definition)
2D DXF®/DWG® Data
Maintain and Update Existing 2D Drawings – edit and view DWG® files in DraftSight
2D to 3D CAD Conversion Tools
Convert 3D Solid Parts to Sheet Metal
Intellectual Property Protection (Defeature)
Design Review Markup and Viewing (Large Design Review)
Advanced CAD File Import
Interactive Feature Recognition and Conversion
Automatic Feature Recognition and Conversion
Basic Analysis Tools
Part Environmental Impact Analysis
Part Structural Analysis
Basic Flow Analysis
Productivity Tools
Power Selection Tools
Symmetry Check
Copy Feature Info into Other Features (Feature Paint)
Find and Replace in Drawing
Design for Manufacturing
Thickness Analysis
Geometry Check for CAM
Compare Parts and Drawings for Changes
Rules-based Manufacturability Checks (DFMXpress)
Draft and Undercut Analysis
Sheet Metal Checks and Flat Pattern
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard
Must be on Active Subscription
CAD Libraries
Over One Million Standard Fasteners and Components (Toolbox)
Beam, Bearing, and Cam Design Wizard
Automatic Assembly of Fasteners and Components
Automatic Task Scheduling and Batch Processing
Design for Cost & Cost Estimation
Compare Manufacturing Costs
Automated Manufacturing Cost Estimation
Customizable Manufacturing Settings
Output Cost Report
ECAD/MCAD Collaboration (CircuitWorks™)
Import/Export of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Designs
Automatic Electrical Component Assembly
Two-Way Data Exchange: ECAD to MCAD - MCAD to ECAD
IDF, ProStep (IDX) or PADS (*.ASC)
PCB Outlines, Keep-Out Areas, Maximum Heights
Filter Display for Clarification
Compare Board Designs for Differences
Design Change Notes
Advanced Photorealistic Rendering (PhotoView 360)
Photo Quality Images and Animations
Control Camera View, Lighting, Materials, Textures
CAD Standards Checking
Verify Designs against Company Standards
Automatically Correct Non-Conforming Issues
Customize Design Check Rules
Automated Tolerance Stack-Up Analysis (TolAnalyst)
Worst Case and RSS Maximum/Minimum
Identify Highest Contributing Tolerances
Automatic Update of Analysis when Design Changes
SOLIDWORKS File Management
User and Group Access Rights
File Vaulting
Secure Check-in and Check-out
Automated Revision Control
Reverse Engineering (ScanTo3D)
Import, Edit, Evaluate, and Create Solid Geometry from Point Cloud and Mesh Data
Import Adobe® Illustrator® Files
Import Image Files and Convert Raster to Vector Data
eDrawings® Professional
Create and Publish eDrawings Files
Allow Measurement in eDrawings Files
Enable Markup of eDrawings Files
Exploded Views Support for eDrawings Files
View Assembly Animations
Password Protect Intellectual Property
Motion Analysis
Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis
Inputs: Forces, Springs, Dampers, Gravity, Contact, Bushings
Outputs: Displacement, Velocities, Accelerations, Body Loads, Joint Forces
View/Publish Animations, Graphs, Reports
Structural Part and Assembly Analysis
Inputs: Variable Forces/Pressures, Full Restraint Sets, Connectors, Gravity, Contact, Materials
Outputs: Factor of Safety, Stress, Displacement, Strain
View/Publish Animations, Graphs, Reports
Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Environmental Impact: SOLIDWORKS Sustainability
Routing of Pipes and Tubes
Create Detailed Piping Systems
Create Flexible or Rigid Tubing Lines
Customizable Library of Piping Components
Automatic Assembly of Hangers and Supports
Output Tube Bend Data for Manufacturing
Cut Length Calculations Automated for BOM
Automatic Routing Option for Pipes and Tubes
Minimum Bend Radius Check for Tubes
Output of PCF files for ISOGEN® piping software
Routing of Electrical Cabling and Wiring Harnesses
Create Detailed Electrical Cable and Wiring Harnesses
Run Rigid or Flexible Electrical Conduit Segments
Ribbon Cable
Wire Lengths Automatically Calculated
Automated Harness Flattening for Manufacturing
BOM and Wire Cut Lists
Automatic Routing Using Imported "From-To" Connection Data
Mounting Hardware, Splices, Connectors, Insulation, Looms, Heat-Shrink Tubing, Cable Ties
Routing of Rectangular and Other Sections
Advanced Surface Flattening
Assembly Level Cost Roll Up